Mental Health
Clink on the link below to download the booklet we have produced:
What is mental health?
You know how everyone bangs on about how important it is to have a healthy body? Well, its equally important to have a healthy mind too. This is what we call mental health and it helps to keep our minds working properly.
Half of all mental health issues start to show up before we are fourteen which is why it is so important to discuss it. These difficulties crop up for all sorts of reasons: sometimes, people are just born a certain way; sometimes it’s because of the way they are looked after; sometimes it’s because of things that they have seen or experienced at home or at school. No matter the reason, it’s never the persons fault.
Our booklet will give you a steer on what you can do, who you can speak and where you can go to get any help you might need to get or keep your mental health on the right track.
If you have suicidal thoughts, please call the Samaritans on
116 123
In an emergency call
If you are struggling, there are many people available to help; GP, parents/guardians, older siblings, a trusted family member, friends, TDYC youth workers, a Sports team or arts coach, a trusted teacher or teaching assistant or other trusted grown up.
If you need to reach out, our Mental Health email is monitored frequently and anything you want to discuss confidentially will be dealt with by one of the team. email:
How can Twyford Youth Centre help me?
Pick up these when you next visit Youth Club:
• a Mindfulness pack which includes some colouring pages, simple Yoga techniques, breathing exercises and coping with a full ‘bucket’
• Tips for Staying Calm—ideas on how to listen to your body and noting activities that make you feel relaxed and calm
• Self Confidence—’You Are An Amazing Person!’. Fill in one of our sheets either by yourself or with a trusted friend or grown up
• Looking After Your Mental Health—review those things that add up to make you feel at your best. Sleeping, exercise and time for yourself are vital for a great balance.